Wednesday, May 15, 2019

EXP Podcast #526: Data Deep Dive

Now here's a guy who gets data.
Your favorite game is more than likely watching and reporting on everything you do, but is that a problem?  I guess it depends on how much of a pro you are when it comes to pulling off 360 no-scopes and how strongly you feel about being identified as someone who likes to "do the Dew."  This week we explore the murky world of data mining and in-game telemetry.  It's a largely invisible part of our games that has quietly become ubiquitous, so Jorge and I try to confuse our algorithm overlords by shining a light on them.

- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.

- Runtime: 37 min 50 sec
- "The dangers of in-game data collection," by Patrick Stafford via Polygon
- Music by Brad Sucks

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