We all could use a magical deer hug this year. |
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- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
We all could use a magical deer hug this year. |
Show Notes:
At least the games were good. |
We would love to hear from you as well! Send us an email with your favorite game of the year. And be sure to come back next week for our yearly leftover discussion!
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
Whisk us away to Gamey-land, Flight Simulator. |
Show Notes:
Yes, you can pet the bird. |
If you give the game a shot and let us know what you think!
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
This is going to feel great. |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
The horror. The horror! |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
Finally: A house big enough for my PS5 |
This week, we (well, Jorge at least) put our money where are mouth is and talk about hands-on PS5 first impressions. Yes, it's big. Yes, it looks like a modernist art nightmare. But it's also the only place to play the Demon's Souls remake, so how could anyone resist?
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
Like a weird plastic sandwich |
Show Notes:
One of them loves pets. Choose wisely. |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
School budget cuts are spooky, am I right? |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
"Go ask you mother." |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
"Gotta go at a walking pace!" |
Got a favorite brand crossover or one you hate? Let us know!
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
Trapped in the underworld, but looking stylish. |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
"One day, boy. I'll sacrifice you to Kali." |
Enjoying the game? Hating it? Sent us your own thoughts via email!
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
On this river, do you catch fishstyx? |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
"Yes, I would like all the games please." |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
"Why do we fall, sir?" |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
The mask is actually for my allergies. |
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
Artist's rendition of the console wars. |
Orwell's rules for writing:
Orwell's rules for games (as written by Jorge and Scott):
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
"Worst season ever" |
What do you think the future of e/tSports looks like? Let us know by sending us an email!
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.
Show Notes:
- Runtime: 42 min 23 sec
- "A Day Inside MLB's COVID Protocols," via ESPN
- Music by Brad Sucks
Now this guy knows his way around a sword. |
"Alas, poor Yuriko." |
Action shot of a real review bomber |
"What have I done?" |
Who knew so many guitars would survive the apocalypse? |
"What do I put the snack compartment?" |
A legendary meme lord rides off into the sunset. |
Router or YuGiOh collection? |
Careful, don't sneeze! |
Trust me, just jump it'll be fine. Also: it's an order. |
"Pass me that controller bro!" |
"Bro, check out the HDR on this bat" |
"Somebody got a leaky pipe!" |
"Who you callin' angry!?" |
Just in case you needed a reminder to pay your rent. |
"Keep your vegetables, you monster!" |
Just a normal day for the Doom guy. |
"This ditty's called 'Which Side Are You On?'" |
If only it was this simple. |
The face of a "Save Scumbag" |
Can't wait to sign my child up. |
Truck Nuts (-10 Morality) |
"So anyway, let me tell you about my walking simulator." |
"Next stop Tokyo!" |